Nurtured through Time, Fragile as Glass: Trust, Respect, and Reputation

Esha Verma
2 min readMay 31, 2023


Precious Gems, Easily Shattered- Trust, Respect, or Reputation which must be painstakingly earned over time, but can be quickly and easily destroyed.

As Warren Buffett once said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.”

Does this mean that it is completely wiped out and no longer exists?

What if a person loose all of these.. BOOOOM!! Their life is OVER?

Do you really think something that takes years to build can be easily destroyed?

A building can be built in a year, destroyed in seconds by wind, but its existence isn’t erased.

Rebuilding takes time, but previous footprints guide its enhancement.

Your reputation may fade temporarily, but its remnants remain, supported by those who believe in you. You have the power to rebuild and restore it.

“Nothing is ever truly lost; it is only transformed and found in new ways.”

Like a phoenix, you can rise again after a setback instead of blaming external factors like the wind, nature, or materials.

“Nothing important is ever lost, as long as one has the courage to look for it.” — Paulo Coelho

We often ended up seeking the most important things of life from other individuals while claiming that other people’s opinions don’t matter? Is it fair?

“Don’t let someone else’s opinion of you become your reality.” — Les Brown

Your reputation being affected by someone else is not your loss, but rather theirs. You know your true self, and you don’t need their validation to determine what you have gained or lost over time.

“Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are.” — Beyoncé

During your lowest moments, consider how many people truly believed in you. Reflect on the unwavering love and support of your parents and loved ones.

If they can still love you despite losing everything, do you really need anyone who doesn’t believe in you?

Some people stopped believing in you doesn’t necessarily mean it’s all gone.

It could be that those individuals chose not to acknowledge what was always there.

“Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.”

Esha Verma



Esha Verma

Bibliophile, Love to express myself, Fascinated by Technology. I'll make you realize that you're the main character of your story.