Life at 22 — What I’ve learned and what lies ahead

Esha Verma
3 min readMar 16, 2024

In 22 years, life has taught me invaluable lessons, with gratitude being the highest realization.

True peace comes from finding contentment in the present.

Success varies from person to person, for me, it means inspiring even just one person through words.

Words hold great power — they can start conflicts or bring peace. Utilize this power wisely to uplift others with your words.

You never know, you might unknowingly be inspiring someone with the kindness and encouragement you offer.

|| पूरी दुनिया जीत सकते है, संस्कार से…और जीता हुआ भी हार जाते है, अहंकार से ||

(One can conquer the entire world with virtues… and even the conquered can lose with pride!)

Dedication and hard work can make the impossible possible. However, if you treat others poorly or think you’re above everyone else.

WAIT CAUSE… Time spares no one, regardless of status or wealth.

Success isn’t everything; true victory lies in kindness and respect. Your actions matter, even when nobody’s watching.

You’re here to make life easier for others with your kindness, not to make their struggles harder.

In Hindu mythology, Ravana, a powerful king, kidnapped Sita because of his arrogance and desire. But his pride led to his downfall and he ruined his own kingdom.

|| सही “कर्म” वह नहीं है जिसके परिणाम हमेशा सही हो.. अपितु सही कर्म वह है जिसका उद्देश्य कभी गलत ना हो ||

(The right “action” is not one whose results are always right, but the right action is one whose intention is never wrong!)

We’re not perfect beings: we’re just human beings, prone to mistakes and hurting those we care about. There are times when we’re unsure how to react.

When you feel you’re doing wrong, stop. Listen to your inner voice, it knows when intentions aren’t pure. Do what’s right, not just what’s necessary, even if society disagrees.

And, In case if you hurt somebody in the process — TRY TO MAKE IT RIGHT, PUT EFFORTS!!

Offcourse you can’t undo (erase) the damage, but there’s always something you can do to make it up. Remember, when your intentions are genuine, the universe conspires to guide you in the right direction.

|| जो हुआ अच्छा हुआ, जो हो रहा है अच्छा हो रहा और जो होगा वो भी अच्छा होगा ||

(What has happened is good, what is happening is good, and what will happen will also be good!)

Often in life, we find ourselves complaining to God, questioning why things happen to us. In those moments, it’s hard to see the lesson behind the struggle. But if we look back two years, suddenly everything seems to make sense.

We realize that what seemed like chaos had a purpose all along, even if we couldn’t see it then. We only see a small part of the picture, not the whole canvas.

What if we believed that everything happens for our good, and that things will eventually fall into place as we want them to?

It might feel impossible now, but that uncertainty is part of the journey. We don’t know how it’ll happen, but we believe it will.

It’s easy to be happy when all goes as planned, but true strength shines in finding contentment when life takes an unexpected turn. That’s the real test of character.

अब सौंप दिया इस जीवन का, सब भार तुम्हारे हाथों में।
है जीत तुम्हारे हाथों में, और हार तुम्हारे हाथों में॥

मुझ में तुझ में बस भेद यही, मैं नर हूँ तुम नारायण हो।
मैं हूँ संसार के हाथों में, संसार तुम्हारे हाथों में॥



Esha Verma

Ambivert, Bibliophile, Love to express myself, Fascinated by Technology.