Hype of Manifesting Miracles- Myth or Magic?

Esha Verma
3 min readFeb 29, 2024


Is the Law of Attraction real? Can we truly manifest our desires?

You’ve likely heard stories of people manifesting their desires, saying they’ve brought their desires into reality by focusing on them consistently.

Isn’t it intriguing? It’s as if we have our own magical genie — just ask the universe, believe, and (receive) it’s yours, no matter the odds.

“You are the creator of your own reality.” — Rhonda Byrne

How do we know if what we’re asking for is truly right for us or for society?

After all, we’re only human. How can we determine our destiny? And who wishes for hardship? Who wants struggle?

We crave wealth, time, love, good food, and a great physique, don’t we? But do we forget the pain, struggles, and hard work they entail?

Can we bypass the tough part and find success through manifesting alone?

Imagine snapping your fingers and getting whatever you want, no sweat, no sacrifice. Is it even worth it? Could you genuinely feel grateful?

And does the universe really tune in to our desires, making them reality? These questions really make us wonder, don’t they?

What’s the real deal behind manifestations?

The stuff nobody likes to discuss because it’s not always sunshine and rainbows. It’s not all about wishful thinking.

You’ve got to truly believe it’s possible and achievable, even if you haven’t reached that point yet.

It’s about having faith and putting efforts in the right direction. When you do that, the universe might just grant your wishes, sometimes even more than you asked for.

That’s the magic of the universe: when it sees your hard work and belief, it can reward you with gifts beyond your imagination.

Think of your teacher, feeling so proud when a student goes the extra mile. The universe works in a similar way, testing us to see if we’re truly committed.

It’s like achieving something when nobody thought you could, because at that moment, it feels impossible.

That’s when the universe acknowledges that extra 1% effort that nobody else is putting in, rewarding you with unexpected blessings.

True Path to Manifestation

The real secret of manifestation or the Law of Attraction is in believing in your thoughts. It doesn’t mean you won’t have negative thoughts or self-doubt. It’s natural to compare yourself to others and have low confidence at times.

But here’s the trick: even if it seems impossible or you doubt yourself, you have to convince your subconscious that it is possible.

You may not see it today, but it’s out there.

There might be darkness along the way, but you’re ready to conquer it. You’re prepared to put in the extra effort and work hard for it.

There are no shortcuts to success, but there’s always a path forward. Turn your thoughts into reality.

“The law of attraction is always working, whether you believe it or understand it or not.” — Rhonda Byrne



Esha Verma

Bibliophile, Love to express myself, Fascinated by Technology.