Breaking the ‘You First’ Loop of Isolation

Independence isn’t found in isolation but in the strength of community.

Esha Verma
3 min readApr 15, 2024

You know how sometimes we think being independent means we don’t need anyone? But in reality, the idea of not needing people is just a myth. We need people throughout life.

Connections are what make us feel alive. Even if we try to hide them, emotions sneak in. They’re like the glue that binds us to others.

No matter how successful or famous we become, we can’t shake off the need for our people. We’re wired to depend on them.

Sure, Gen Z talks a lot about independence.


Gen Z’s independence isn’t about going it alone; it’s about forging meaningful connections in a disconnected world.

Initiate, don’t hesitate — the ‘you first’ loop ends with you.

Ever been in that “you first” loop, waiting for someone else to make the move? We all have.

But when someone finally breaks the ice, we might brush it off with a “You could’ve done it too.”

A simple message saying you want to talk can fix it. Even if they don’t respond as expected, they’ll still appreciate the effort.

Taking the initiative shows courage. And if they’re not into it, that’s alright. You put yourself out there.

Trying to reconnect with old relations can be hard, cause we’re soo used to hanging out with new people. But it’s better to give it a shot than regretting not doing so later on.

The ‘you first’ loop ends with a single act of courage.

“True care isn’t about endless giving, but about mutual appreciation. If they truly value you, they’ll find their way back.”

If you’re always the one trying, take a step back. True caring means they’ll notice your absence and come back.

It’s never too late to fix things, even after rough patches. People often return when they realize their mistakes. Give them time to figure it out.

Mistakes are the stepping stones to growth. Allow others the chance to learn, and they’ll return wiser and more appreciative than before.

“Emotions are a currency, spend them where you’ll receive returns of gratitude.”

People might call you dependent, but in reality, they rely on your kindness. They might not realize it until you stop giving.

Imagine a mother who always feeds her child without being asked. They might not see her love until she’s not there anymore. But love doesn’t give the license of being ungrateful.

It’s important to appreciate the love and care given to us, just like a child should appreciate their mother’s love.

Finding balance in giving and receiving is key.

Reach out to loved ones — they might need you too.

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Esha Verma

Ambivert, Bibliophile, Love to express myself, Fascinated by Technology.