Breaking Free: Unleashing Your Potential and Embracing the Present

Esha Verma
2 min readJun 20, 2023

You are who/what you’ve been looking for. So stop looking for more, unless you’re looking in a mirror. Make yourself a priority. Treat yourself the way you wanted to be treated by others.

Once Taylor Swift in her speech said:

In your life, You will inevitably misspeak/ Trust the wrong person/ Underreact/ Overreact/ Hurt the people who didn’t deserve it/ Overthink/ Not think at all/ Self-sabotage/ Create a reality where only your experience exists/ Ruin perfectly good moments for yourself and others/ Deny any wrong doing/ Not take the steps to make it right/ Feel very guilty/ Let the guilt eating you/ Hit rock bottom/ Finally addressed the pain you caused/ Try to do better next time.

These experiences do not define our worth or make us inherently bad people. By not fitting into others’ realities and recognizing the power in our own self-perception, it encourages us to take control of our lives.

The moment that you realize that you are not the opinion of somebody who doesn’t know you or care about you, is the moment you actually start living life.

You were handed the life you are living because you are strong enough to live it.

“Learn to be happy alone. Then you will never have the reason to associate with people who make you feel worse”.

Set your boundaries. It’s not about fixing every single problem, but about keeping away from toxic situations. Some relationships can be healed through healing and forgiveness, while others might be better to let go of. Never go back to anything that made you feel so trapped that you had to pray hard to get out.

“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”

Last year if someone would have told me, “You’re a very strong person”. I would have probably not believed them.

And this year?

I believed it. You know why?

Because strength doesn’t mean you’re not tired, it doesn’t mean you’re not in pain, it doesn’t mean you’re not exhausted, it just means you have the strength to keep going after all that.

Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’

To create the future you truly deserve, it’s important to let go of dwelling on the past. Your life today is different from ten years ago. Live in the present and stop fixating on events that happened years ago. Remember, nothing lasts forever. Instead of thinking about what happened in the past, focus on living fully in the present.

“The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you’ve come.”



Esha Verma

Ambivert, Bibliophile, Love to express myself, Fascinated by Technology.